The Art of Forecasting in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

The human being/artificial intelligence (AI) relationship is simply heating upwards. So when is AI improve at predicting outcomes, and when are humans? What happens when y'all combine forces? And more than broadly, what role will homo judgment play as machines proceed to evolve?

ER_3324_interior-imageHuman judgment in the age of smart machines

Two of today's major concern and intellectual trends offer complementary insights about the challenge of making forecasts in a complex and rapidly changing earth. Forty years of behavioral science research into the psychology of probabilistic reasoning accept revealed the surprising extent to which people routinely base judgments and forecasts on systematically biased mental heuristics rather than conscientious assessments of evidence. These findings take cardinal implications for decision making, ranging from the quotidian (scouting baseball game players and underwriting insurance contracts) to the strategic (estimating the fourth dimension, expense, and likely success of a projection or business initiative) to the existential (estimating security and terrorism risks).

The bottom line: Unaided judgment is an unreliable guide to action. Consider psychologist Philip Tetlock's celebrated multiyear study concluding that fifty-fifty height journalists, historians, and political experts exercise fiddling better than random adventure at forecasting such political events as revolutions and authorities changes.1

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The second trend is the increasing ubiquity of data-driven conclusion making and artificial intelligence applications. One time again, an important lesson comes from behavioral scientific discipline: A body of research dating back to the 1950s has established that even unproblematic predictive models outperform human experts' ability to make predictions and forecasts. This implies that judiciously synthetic predictive models tin augment human being intelligence by helping humans avoid common cerebral traps. Today, predictive models are routinely consulted to hire baseball game players (and other types of employees), underwrite banking company loans and insurance contracts, triage emergency-room patients, deploy public-sector case workers, place safety violations, and evaluate movie scripts. The listing of "Moneyball for X" case studies continues to grow.

More recently, the emergence of big data and the renaissance of artificial intelligence (AI) have fabricated comparisons of human being and computer capabilities considerably more fraught. The availability of web-scale datasets enables engineers and data scientists to railroad train machine learning algorithms capable of translating texts, winning at games of skill, discerning faces in photographs, recognizing words in speech, piloting drones, and driving cars. The economical and societal implications of such developments are massive. A recent Earth Economic Forum report predicted that the adjacent four years will run across more than 5 million jobs lost to AI-fueled automation and robotics.2

Let's dwell on that last argument for a moment: What about the art of forecasting itself? Could ane imagine reckoner algorithms replacing the human experts who make such forecasts? Investigating this question will shed light on both the nature of forecasting—a domain involving an interplay of data scientific discipline and human judgment—and the limits of machine intelligence. In that location is both bad news (depending on your perspective) and skilful news to report. The bad news is that algorithmic forecasting has limits that machine learning-based AI methods cannot surpass; homo judgment will non be automated away someday shortly. The good news is that the fields of psychology and collective intelligence are offer new methods for improving and de-biasing human being judgment. Algorithms tin broaden human judgment but not replace information technology altogether; at the aforementioned time, preparation people to be better forecasters and pooling the judgments and fragments of partial information of smartly assembled teams of experts can yield nevertheless-improve accuracy.

We predict that y'all won't stop reading here.

When algorithms outperform experts

While the topic has never been timelier, academic psychology has studied computer algorithms' ability to outperform subjective man judgments since the 1950s. The field known equally "clinical vs. statistical prediction" was ushered in by psychologist Paul Meehl, who published a "disturbing little volume"3 (as he afterwards called it) documenting twenty studies that compared the predictions of well-informed human experts with those of simple predictive algorithms. The studies ranged from predicting how well a schizophrenic patient would respond to electroshock therapy to how likely a pupil was to succeed at college. Meehl's report found that in each of the xx cases, human experts were outperformed by simple algorithms based on observed data such equally past test scores and records of past treatment. Subsequent inquiry has decisively confirmed Meehl'southward findings: More than 200 studies accept compared expert and algorithmic prediction, with statistical algorithms nigh always outperforming unaided human judgment. In the few cases in which algorithms didn't outperform experts, the results were ordinarily a tie.4 The cognitive scientists Richard Nisbett and Lee Ross are forthright in their assessment: "Human judges are not just worse than optimal regression equations; they are worse than nearly whatsoever regression equation."5

Subsequent research summarized by Daniel Kahneman in Thinking, Fast and Dull helps explicate these surprising findings.half dozen Kahneman's title alludes to the "dual process" theory of man reasoning, in which distinct cerebral systems underpin human judgment. System 1 ("thinking fast") is automatic and low-effort, tending to favor narratively coherent stories over careful assessments of bear witness. Arrangement 2 ("thinking tiresome") is deliberate, effortful, and focused on logically and statistically coherent analysis of evidence. Almost of our mental operations are Arrangement i in nature, and this mostly serves us well, since each of us makes hundreds of daily decisions. Relying purely on time- and free energy-consuming System ii-fashion deliberation would produce decision paralysis. Only—and this is the non-obvious finding resulting from the work of Kahneman, Amos Tversky, and their followers—Organization 1 thinking turns out to be terrible at statistics.

Given that Michael Lewis's book was, in essence, about data-driven hiring decisions, it is perhaps ironic that hiring decisions at virtually organizations are however unremarkably influenced past subjective impressions formed in unstructured chore interviews, despite well-documented show nearly the limitations of such interviews.

The major discovery is that many of the mental rules of pollex ("heuristics") integral to System 1 thinking are systematically biased, and often in surprising ways. We overgeneralize from personal experience, act as if the evidence before us is the only information relevant to the decision at hand, base probability estimates on how easily the relevant scenarios leap to mind, downplay the risks of options to which we are emotionally predisposed, and by and large overestimate our abilities and the accuracy of our judgments.7

It is difficult to overstate the practical concern implications of these findings. Decision making is central to all business, medical, and public-sector operations. The authorisation and biased nature of System 1-style decision making accounts for the persistence of inefficient markets (even when the stakes are loftier) and implies that even imperfect predictive models and other types of data products can atomic number 82 to material improvements in profitability, rubber, and efficiency. A very practical takeaway is that perfect or "big" information is not a prerequisite for highly profitable business organization analytics initiatives. This logic, famously dramatized in the book and subsequent movie Moneyball, applies to virtually any domain in which human experts repeatedly brand decisions in stable environments by subjectively weighing evidence that can exist quantified and statistically analyzed. Because System one-style decision making is so poor at statistics, often economically substantial benefits can result from using even limited or imperfect data to de-bias our decisions.8

While this logic has half-century-old roots in academic psychology and has been commonplace in the business earth since the appearance of Moneyball, it is still non universally embraced. For example, given that Michael Lewis's volume was, in essence, about information-driven hiring decisions, it is possibly ironic that hiring decisions at most organizations are even so unremarkably influenced by subjective impressions formed in unstructured job interviews, despite well-documented evidence about the limitations of such interviews.9

Though even simple algorithms commonly outperform unaided expert judgment, they do non "take humans out of the loop," for several reasons. Start, the domain experts for whom the models are designed (hiring managers, bank loan or insurance underwriters, physicians, fraud investigators, public-sector case workers, and then on) are the best source of information on what factors should be included in predictive models. These information features generally don't spontaneously appear in databases that are used to train predictive algorithms. Rather, data scientists must hard-lawmaking them into the information beingness analyzed, typically at the suggestion of domain experts and cease users. Second, expert judgment must exist used to decide which historical cases in one'south data are suitably representative of the futurity to be included in one's statistical analysis.10

The statistician Rob Hyndman expands on these points, offer four key predictability factors that the underlying phenomenon must satisfy to build a successful forecasting model:11

  1. We sympathise and can measure the causal factors.
  2. There is a lot of historical data available.
  3. The forecasts do non touch on the thing we are trying to forecast.
  4. The future volition somewhat resemble the past in a relevant style.

For example, standard electricity demand or weather condition forecasting issues satisfy all four criteria, whereas all but the second are violated in the problem of forecasting stock prices. Assessing these four principles in any particular setting requires human judgment and cannot exist automatic by any known techniques.

Finally, fifty-fifty after the model has been built and deployed, human being judgment is typically required to assess the applicability of a model's prediction in whatever particular example. After all, models are not omniscient—they can practise no more than than combine the pieces of information presented to them. Consider Meehl's "broken leg" trouble, which famously illustrates a crucial implication. Suppose a statistical model predicts that there is a 90 percent probability that Jim (a highly methodical person) will go to the movies tomorrow night. While such models are by and large more accurate than human skillful judgment, Nikhil knows that Jim broke his leg over the weekend. The model indication, therefore, does not apply, and the theater managing director would be best advised to ignore—or at least downwards-weight—information technology when deciding whether or not to salve Jim a seat. Such issues routinely ascend in applied work and are a major reason why models tin guide—simply typically cannot supercede—human experts. Figuratively speaking, the equation should be not "algorithms > experts" but instead, "experts + algorithms > experts."

Of course, each of these principles predates the advent of big data and the ongoing renaissance of artificial intelligence. Will they soon go obsolete?

What computers withal can't exercise

Continually streaming data from Net of Things sensors, deject calculating, and advances in motorcar learning techniques are giving rise to a renaissance in artificial intelligence that will likely reshape people's relationship with computers.12 "Information is the new oil," as the saying goes, and estimator scientist Jon Kleinberg reasonably comments that, "The term itself is vague, but it is getting at something that is real. . . . Big Information is a tagline for a process that has the potential to transform everything."thirteen

Such issues routinely arise in practical work and are a major reason why models can guide—just typically cannot supervene upon—human experts. Figuratively speaking, the equation should be not "algorithms > experts" but instead, "experts + algorithms > experts."

A classic AI application based on big data and machine learning is Google Translate, a tool created not past laboriously encoding primal principles of language into reckoner algorithms but, rather, by extracting word associations in innumerable previously translated documents. The algorithm continually improves as the corpus of texts on which it is trained grows. In their influential essay "The unreasonable effectiveness of data," Google researchers Alon Halevy, Peter Norvig, and Fernando Pereira comment:

[I]nvariably, simple models and a lot of data trump more elaborate models based on less data. . . . Currently, statistical translation models consist mostly of large memorized phrase tables that requite candidate mappings betwixt specific source- and target-linguistic communication phrases.xiv

Their comment also pertains to the widely publicized AI breakthroughs in more contempo years. Computer scientist Kris Hammond states:

[T]he core technologies of AI have not inverse drastically and today'due south AI engines are, in near means, similar to years' by. The techniques of yesteryear fell brusk, not due to inadequate design, but because the required foundation and surround weren't built yet. In curt, the biggest divergence between AI then and now is that the necessary computational capacity, raw volumes of information, and processing speed
are readily available and then the technology can actually shine.fifteen

A common theme is applying blueprint recognition techniques to massive databases of user-generated content. Spell-checkers are trained on massive databases of user self-corrections, "deep learning" algorithms capable of identifying faces in photographs are trained on millions of digitally stored photos,16 and the computer organisation that beat the Jeopardy game testify champions Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter incorporated a multitude of data retrieval algorithms applied to a massive trunk of digitally stored texts. The cognitive scientist Gary Marcus points out that the latter application was feasible considering almost of the knowledge needed to respond Jeopardy questions is electronically stored on, say, Wikipedia pages: "It'south largely an exercise in data retrieval, to which Large Data is well-suited."17

The variety and rapid pace of these developments take led some to speculate that we are entering an age in which the capabilities of car intelligence will exceed those of homo intelligence.18 While too large a topic to broach here, it's important to be clear about the nature of the "intelligence" that today's big data/automobile learning AI paradigm enables. A standard definition of AI is "machines capable of performing tasks usually performed by humans."19 Note that this definition applies to more than familiar data science applications (such every bit scoring models capable of automatically underwriting loans or simple insurance contracts) every bit well every bit to algorithms capable of translating speech, labeling photographs, and driving cars.

Also salient is the fact that all of the AI technologies invented thus far—or are likely to appear in the foreseeable time to come—are forms of narrow AI. For example, an algorithm designed to translate documents will exist unable to characterization photographs and vice versa, and neither will be able to drive cars. This differs from the original goals of such AI pioneers equally Marvin Minsky and Herbert Simon, who wished to create general AI: computer systems that reason equally humans exercise. Impressive as they are, today's AI technologies are closer in concept to credit-scoring algorithms than they are to 2001's disembodied HAL 900020 or the self-enlightened android Ava in the flick Ex Machina.21 All we currently see are forms of narrow AI.

The nature of human collaboration with computers is probable to evolve. Tetlock cites the example of "freestyle chess" as a paradigm example of the type of homo-estimator collaboration we are likely to run across more than of in the future.

Returning to the opening question of this essay: What nearly forecasting? Do big information and AI fundamentally change the rules or threaten to render human judgment obsolete? Unlikely. As it happens, forecasting is at the heart of a story that prompted a major reevaluation of big information in early 2014. Some analysts had extolled Google Flu Trends (GFT) equally a prime case of big data'southward ability to supercede traditional forms of scientific methodology and information analysis. The thought was that Google could apply digital frazzle from people'southward flu-related searches to track influenza outbreaks in real time; this seemed to support the arguments of pundits such as Chris Anderson, Kenneth Cukier, and Viktor Mayer-Schönberger, who had claimed that "correlation is enough" when the available information achieve sufficient volume, and that traditional forms of analysis could exist replaced by computeralgorithms seeking correlations in massive databases.22 However, during the 2013 flu season, GFT's predictions proved wildly inaccurate—roughly 140 percent off—and left analysts questioning their models. The computational social scientist David Lazer and his co-authors published a widely cited assay of the episode, offering a twofold diagnosis23 of the algorithm's ultimate failure:

Fail of algorithm dynamics. Google continually tweaks its search engine to improve search results and user experience. GFT, however, causeless that the relation between search terms and external events was static; in other words, the GFT forecasting model was calibrated on data no longer representative of the model bachelor to make forecasts. In Rob Hyndman'due south terms, this was a violation of the supposition that the future sufficiently resembles the by.

Large information hubris. Congenital from correlations between Centers for Illness Control and Prevention (CDC) data and millions of search terms, GFT violated the first and most of import of Hyndman's four key predictability factors: understanding the causal factors underlying the information relationships. The issue was a plethora of spurious correlations due to random chance (for instance, "seasonal search terms unrelated to the flu just strongly correlated to the CDC information, such equally those regarding high school basketball game").24 As Lazer commented, "This should have been a alarm that the big data were overfitting the small number of cases."25 While this is a fundamental concern in all branches of information science, the episode illustrates the seductive—and unreliable—nature of the tacit supposition that the sheer volume of "big" data obviates the demand for traditional forms of data assay.

"When Google quietly euthanized the plan," GFT quickly went from "the poster kid of big information into the poster kid of the foibles of large information."26 The lesson of the Lazer squad's analysis is not that social media data is useless for predicting affliction outbreaks. (It can be highly useful.) Rather, the lesson is that generally speaking, big data and machine learning algorithms should be regarded equally supplements to—not replacements for—human being judgment and traditional forms of analysis.

In Superforecasting: The Art and Scientific discipline of Prediction, Philip Tetlock (writing with Dan Gardner) discusses the inability of large information-based AI technologies to supervene upon human judgment. Tetlock reports a chat he had with David Ferrucci, who led the technology team that congenital the Jeopardy-winning Watson computer system. Tetlock assorted two questions:

  1. Which 2 Russian leaders traded jobs in the last ten years?
  2. Volition two top Russian leaders trade jobs in the adjacent ten years?

Tetlock points out that the quondam question is a historical fact, electronically recorded in many online documents, which calculator algorithms tin can identify using design-recognition techniques. The latter question requires an informed estimate about the intentions of Vladimir Putin, the character of Dmitry Medvedev, and the causal dynamics of Russian politics. Ferrucci expressed incertitude that calculator algorithms could ever automate this class of judgment in uncertain atmospheric condition. As data volumes grow and machine learning methods continue to improve, pattern recognition applications will improve mimic human reasoning, merely Ferrucci comments that "there's a difference betwixt mimicking and reflecting pregnant and originating meaning." That space, Tetlock notes, is reserved for human judgment.27

The information is bigger and the statistical methods take evolved, but the overall decision would likely not surprise Paul Meehl: It is true that computers can automate certain tasks traditionally performed simply past humans. (Credit scores largely eliminating the role of depository financial institution loan officeholder is a one-half-century-former example.) But more than generally, they can only assist—non supercede—the characteristically human ability to make judgments under uncertainty.

That said, the nature of man collaboration with computers is likely to evolve. Tetlock cites the example of "freestyle chess" every bit a epitome example of the type of homo-computer collaboration nosotros are likely to come across more of in the future. A discussion of a 2005 "freestyle" chess tournament past grandmaster Garry Kasparov (whom IBM Deep Blue famously defeated in 1996) nicely illustrates the synergistic possibilities of such collaborations. Kasparov comments:

The surprise came at the conclusion of the event. The winner was revealed to exist non a grandmaster with a state-of-the-art PC just a pair of amateur American chess players using 3 computers at the same time. Their skill at manipulating and "coaching" their computers to wait very deeply into positions effectively counteracted the superior chess understanding of their grandmaster opponents and the greater computational power of other participants. Weak human being + machine + improve procedure was superior to a potent computer alone and, more remarkably, superior to a strong human + automobile + inferior procedure.28

Many minds

Human-reckoner collaboration is therefore a major artery for improving our abilities to brand forecasts and judgments under incertitude. Another approach is to refine the procedure of making judgments itself. This is the subject of the increasingly prominent field of collective intelligence. Though the field is just recently emerging as an integrated subject field, notions of collective intelligence engagement back millennia.29 For case, Aristotle wrote that when people "all come up together . . . they may surpass—collectively and equally a body, although non individually—the quality of the few best."xxx In brusk, groups are capable of pooling disparate bits of information from multiple individuals to get in at a better judgment or forecast than any of the members of the group. Speaking figuratively, a "smart" group can exist smarter than the smartest person in the group.31

A famous early on example of collective intelligence involved the inventor of regression assay, Francis Galton.32 At a Victorian-era English language state fair, Galton encountered a contest involving hundreds of participants who were guessing the weight of an ox. He expected the guesses to be well off the mark, and indeed, they were—even the actual experts in the crowd failed to accurately estimate the weight of 1,198 lbs. But the average of the guesses, fabricated by amateurs and professionals akin, was a well-nigh-perfect 1,197 lbs.33

Prediction markets are another device for combining forecasts. The logic of prediction markets mirrors economist Friedrich Hayek's view that a market mechanism'due south primary role is not merely to facilitate buying and selling but, rather, to collect and amass information from individuals.34 The Hollywood Stock Exchange, for example, is an online prediction market in which people use simulated money to buy and sell "shares" of actors, directors, films, and picture-related options; it predicts each twelvemonth's Academy Award winners with a 92 percentage reported accurateness charge per unit. A more business-focused example is the Information Aggregation Machinery (IAM), created past a joint Caltech/Hewlett-Packard research team. The goal was to forecast sales by aggregating "small bits and pieces of relevant information [existing] in the opinions and intuition of individuals." After several HP business divisions implemented IAM, the squad reported that "the IAM market predictions consistently vanquish the official HP forecasts."35 Of grade, similar financial markets, prediction markets are not infallible. For example, economist Justin Wolfers and two co-authors certificate a number of biases in Google's prediction marketplace, finding that "optimistic biases are significantly more pronounced on days when Google stock is appreciating" and that predictions are highly correlated amongst employees "who sit within a few feet of one another."36

The Delphi method is a commonage intelligence method that attempts to refine the process of group deliberation; it is designed to yield the benefits of combining individually held information while besides supporting the blazon of learning feature of smart group deliberation.37 Developed at the Common cold War-era RAND Corp. to forecast military scenarios, the Delphi method is an iterative deliberation procedure that forces grouping members to converge on a single point estimate. The showtime round begins with each grouping fellow member anonymously submitting her individual forecast. In each subsequent round, members must deliberate and then offer revised forecasts that fall within the interquartile range (25th to 75th percentile) of the previous round's forecasts; this process continues until all the group members converge on a single forecast. Industrial, political, and medical applications have all found value in the method.

In short, borer into the "wisdom" of well-structured teams can result in improved judgments and forecasts.38 What about improving the individual forecasts being combined? The Good Judgment Project (GJP), co-led past Philip Tetlock, suggests that this is a valuable and practical option. The project, launched in 2011, was sponsored by the U.s.a. intelligence customs's Intelligence Advanced Inquiry Projects Activity; the GJP'southward goal was to amend the accuracy of intelligence forecasts for medium-term contingent events such as, "Will Greece get out the Euro zone in 2016?"39 Tetlock and his squad found that: (a) Certain people
demonstrate persistently improve-than-average forecasting abilities; (b) such people are characterized by identifiable psychological traits; and (c) education and practice can improve people's forecasting power. Regarding the last of these points, Tetlock reports that mastering the contents of the short GJP training booklet alone improved individuals' forecasting accuracy by roughly x percent.40

Each year, the GJP selects the consistently all-time 2 per centum of the forecasters. These individuals—colloquially referred to as "superforecasters"—reportedly perform thirty per centum better than intelligence officers with access to actual classified information. Perchance the about important characteristic of superforecasters is their tendency to approach problems from the "outside view" before proceeding to the "inside view," whereas virtually novice forecasters tend to proceed in the opposite direction. For example, suppose we wish to forecast the duration of a particular consulting project. The inside view would approach this by reviewing the pending work streams and activities and summing upwards the full estimated time for each activeness. Past contrast, the outside view would begin by establishing a reference class of similar past projects and using their average duration equally the base scenario; the forecast would and then be farther refined by comparing the specific features of this project to those of past projects.41

Beyond the trend to form reference-class base rates based on hard data, Tetlock identifies several psychological traits that superforecasters share:

  1. They are less probable than nigh to believe in fate or destiny and more than probable to believe in probabilistic and chance events.
  2. They are open-minded and willing to modify their views in light of new evidence; they do not hold on to dogmatic or idealistic behavior.
  3. They possess above-average (but not necessarily extremely loftier) general intelligence and fluid intelligence.
  4. They are humble about their forecasts and willing to revise them in low-cal of new evidence.
  5. While not necessarily highly mathematical, they are comfortable with numbers and the idea of assigning probability estimates to uncertain scenarios.

Although the United states of america intelligence community sponsors the Good Judgment Project, the principles of (one) systematically identifying and training people to make accurate forecasts and (2) bringing together groups of such people to improve collective forecasting accurateness could be applied to such fields as hiring, mergers and acquisitions, strategic forecasting, risk management, and insurance underwriting. Advances in forecasting and collective intelligence methods such as the GJP are a useful reminder that in many situations, valuable information exists non just in data warehouses just also in the partial fragments of cognition contained in the minds of groups of experts—or even informed laypeople.42

Heed this

Although predictive models and other AI applications tin automate certain routine tasks, it is highly unlikely that human judgment volition exist outsourced to algorithms any time soon. More realistic is to utilise both data science and psychological science to de-bias and ameliorate upon human judgments. When information is plentiful and the relevant aspects of the globe aren't rapidly changing, it'south appropriate to lean on statistical methods. When piffling or no information is bachelor, commonage intelligence and other psychological methods tin can be used to go the nigh out of expert judgment. For example, Google—a company founded on big data and AI—uses "wisdom of the oversupply" and other statistical methods to improve hiring decisions, wherein the philosophy is to "complement man decision makers, not replace them."43

In an increasing number of cases involving spider web scale data, "smart" AI applications will automate the routine work, leaving man experts with more time to focus on aspects requiring skilful judgment and/or such not-cognitive abilities as social perception and empathy. For case, deep learning models might automate certain aspects of medical imaging, which would offer teams of health care professionals more fourth dimension and resources to focus on ambiguous medical problems, strategic issues surrounding treatment options, and providing empathetic counsel. Analogously, insurance companies might use deep learning models to automatically generate price-of-repair estimates for damaged cars, providing claims adjusters with more time to focus on complex claims and insightful client service.

Human judgment will continue to be realigned, augmented, and amplified by methods of psychology and the products of data science and artificial intelligence. But humans will remain "in the loop" for the foreseeable futurity. At to the lowest degree that'south our forecast. DR


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